Really good.
Really good.
yeh, =P terrible mastering though.
thinking about adding a brickwall to it.
I like it.
The title says it all, but there are some problems. You don't have a strong kick or bass. Also, yea like Anonymous said, some things don't really contribute to the melody. Its a bit repetitive but still a great song. Your melodies are really good btw. Good job.
Thanks Paper =D.
Yes i often hear my melody's and sounds are good, but that my mastering and stuff is bad. so we might form a very good collab, since u rock at mastering !.
Once again, another great Song
I love it but just for future references, if you want people to go crazy at Chorus try using a monotone bass (just on one key) before it reaches the chorus. Then when the chorus comes, the bass changes, people are like, wooot omg nice effect! lol.. Yea but when you first started introducing the piano it sounded off key with the instruments going on at that time. But I don't blame you, it's really hard to mix 2 different things from 2 different songs. The drums were great tho.
thanks again =D
yea the drums took me a shitload of time to create.
The melody is somewhat hard tho. (typically a bad shape of mastering).
Ill keep your tip in mind =D
Great beginning
4/5 or 8/10. The chorus needs more motion to it (more sound). Just bass, lead, drums, piano, and strings doesn't really make us want to dance. Also, for mastering, add a compressor on the preset brickwall if you want it to have motion and less distortion. I didn't see anything really bad with the mastering, but I would recommend more instruments.
oo thanks a lot paperman =D.
that is criticm to my heart !. instructions =D.
so i can assume that when i put a compressor on preset brickwall, all of my problems are gone =O. more motion and no distortion =D.
Thanks a bunch again =D.
Nice bass!
Very nice bass. One problem, the drums need a bit more work. Try making them more complicated, have build ups, and use shakers or maybe different hats.
Thanks for the response! I'm not sure if you can tell, but the ending that makes this song a loop was actually just me trying out different combos of drums. I do plan on adding some minor variations to the drums though.
Great Job!
Its amazing but the beginning could of been better.
I agree :P
Nice skills
7 for bad quality.
Very nice skills but why didn't you use a midi cable and hook up your piano to FL Studio so you could record the pattern in there?
Unfortunately, I do not even own a midi cable that is compatible with my computer, and for some reason, my keyboard will not work with a sustain pedal. That, and this was just something off the top of my head while improvising. I don't think that I could duplicate it quite the same.
Thank you for the review!
The truth.
Joined on 1/15/09